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Artistic Statement

Artistic Statement

My statement is: Support these organizations.

The Freedom Archives

This organization is preserving the history, diversifying the perspective, and broadening the context around one of the most influential eras in American history.
"The Freedom Archives is a non-profit educational archive located in San Francisco dedicated to the preservation and dissemination of historical audio, video and print materials documenting progressive movements and culture from the 1960s to the 1990s."

Wikimedia Foundation

Virtually every scrap of information that I hold in my brain is something I learned on Wikipedia, for free. And I'm a genius, so that's really saying something.
"The nonprofit Wikimedia Foundation provides the essential infrastructure for free knowledge. We host Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia, created, edited, and verified by volunteers around the world, as well as many other vital community projects."

Front Steps &
Haven for Hope

These are two separate shelters for people experiencing homelessness in Austin and San Antonio. I know some of the folks who run these places, and they are genuinely kind, nonjudgemental people who are focused on the wellbeing and dignity of everyone in their communities.

FRONT STEPS (ATX): "Our mission is to provide a pathway home for our neighbors experiencing homelessness by offering emergency shelter, affordable housing, recuperative medical care, supportive services, and community awareness."

HAVEN FOR HOPE (SATX): "Haven for Hope and our partners, address the root causes of homelessness by offering programming tailored to the specific needs of the individual. Our approach is person-centered, trauma-informed and recovery-oriented. The goal is to meet individuals where they are and support them as they move toward self-sufficiency."

Children's Association for Maximum Potential

Camp CAMP is a summer camp designed specifically for people with special needs. This means they put extra time and money into things like medical equipment and specialized training. I used to volunteer as a counselor here and the vibe is truly like, "Everyone should get to have fun, so let's make sure everyone can."

"CAMP's mission is to strengthen and inspire individuals with special needs— and those who care for them— through recreation, respite, and education."

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